Vesuvius is focused on the disaster preparedness and response needs of the medical community, contributing to family reunification and assisting with hospital triage.
Vesuvius Deployments
The US National Library of Medicine (NLM) is using Vesuvius to support disaster preparedness and response in family reunification and hospital triage, enabling capture of photos, exchange of data across facilities for use in US-hospital-focused catastrophic situations.
While their primary mission has been to support the Bethesda Hospitals Emergency Preparedness Partnership (BHEPP), NLM has also supported the public use of the Vesuvius People Locator system for the Haiti earthquake (2010), Christchurch Earthquake (2011), and Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (2011).
A prerelease version of Vesuvius was also used by NLM as part of BHEPP’s October 15, 2009 participation in CMAX 2009 (Combined Multi-Agency eXercise). CMAX is an annual joint civilian-military exercise in the DC area, involving simulated disasters with first responders and medical providers.
Vesuvius Features
Optimized for family reunification and assisting with hospital triage, Vesuvius’ focuses on:
- Missing Persons Reporting – Contributes to family reunification through multiple means of accepting reports and providing advanced search and filtering capabilities
- Hospital Triage Management: Provides tools to assist in local and remote hospital triage management, including photo capture and electronic notifications of patient intake records to hospitals and the person locator registry.
The Sahana Vesuvius codebase is hosted on Github, where you will be able to download the code, access our technical knowledge base, and find the bug tracker, blueprints and translations.
Developers will also find some technical documentation on the Vesuvius wiki.
Installing Vesuvius
Installation instructions are available for Windows and Linux.