Open Source Disaster Management Solutions
Sahana makes high quality information management systems for emergency preparedness, response, recovery and resilience-building accessible to all.

Bhutan Evaluated Sahana Eden as a replacement and enhancement for their Disaster Information System

Sahana EDEN Used for COVID-19 Responses

2018 End of Year Update
EDEN Software
Sahana EDEN is the world’s most popular open-source information management system for disaster and humanitarian aid management. With over 20 modules, it can support all phases of the emergency cycle.
Manage details about organizations, offices, facilities, contacts and more.
Manage staff, volunteers, physical assets and inventories and supply catalogs.
Visualize Who is doing What Where (4W) and with charts, graphs and maps.
Manage assets, inventories, warehouses and requests for supplies.
Research & Action
We research methods for reducing the loss of life and property during disasters and turn our insights into open source software solutions for disaster risk reduction and disaster resource management.
Mobile Pictographs for Alerting
Imagery for communicating disaster-related messages to the linguistically challenged.
Sahana Alert and Messaging Broker (SAMBRO)
Warning and situation-awareness system built using the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) international standard.
CAP on a Map
Improving coastal resilience through a cross-agency situatioanal-awareness platform in Myanmar, Philippines, and Maldives
Our community builds open source tools to help people prepare for and respond to disasters.
The first version of Sahana was created in Sri Lanka to help coordinate the response to the 2004 Tsunami. Since then it has been deployed in over 30 countries by dozens of groups ranging from large international NGOs such as Internal Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) to grassroots networks such as Occupy Sandy.
As a nonprofit, community-driven free/libre/open-source software project, Sahana’s success is dependent on a vibrant community of passionate and enthusiastic people.
To get involved, follow us on Twitter, join the Sahana EDEN listserv and read our blog.