Sahana Alerting and Messaging Broker (SAMBro)

What is SAMBRO?

We make use of an International warning standard to bridge the last mile and bring efficiency to early warning practices. Built on the Sahana Eden framework, SAMBRO is a messaging broker designed to Publish and Subscribe Common Alerting Protocol (CAP V1.2) warnings fostering all-Hazard all-Media warnings.

SAMBRO Delivers:

  1. a platform to share a common alerting picture
  2. coordination among multiple-agencies (alert hub for filtering, originating and relaying alerts)
  3. interoperability fostering common policies and procedures
  4. risk mapping and impact-based early warnings (aligning warning classifications with alerting areas)
  5. CAP Stewardship and a Community of Practice in Asian and the Pacific Region (but not limited to)



Warning and Situtational-Awareness

broker_complexityUnder a well-developed disaster management system, the Disaster Management Organization(s) of a Country should be aware of and should map every significant emergency incident or risk in the country. Disseminating such information among multiple agencies with disparate systems can be complicated.  Multi-Agency Situational-Awareness (MASA) platforms facilitate the integration of silo-ed Organizations and dilutes inter-agency rivalry at every level of a National warning and incident management system. Such a platform that incorporates the  Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) standard is far more likely to interoperate with National and International warning systems. Moreover, the CAP content standard lays out emergency policies and procedures for streamlined information sharing among multiple agencies.The  World Meteorological Organization,  International Telecommunication Union, and  OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) are advocates of CAP and continue to promote the adoption of the warning standard. Sahana Alerting and Messaging Broker (SAMBRO) is essentially a Sahana Eden template designed for Multi-Agency Situational-Awareness. Moreover, it adopts the CAP standard for Sahana to interoperate with other warning systems.


Project News

Bhutan Evaluated Sahana Eden as a replacement and enhancement for their Disaster Information System

Bhutan Evaluated Sahana Eden as a replacement and enhancement for their Disaster Information System

Demonstration of Sahana tools for emergency response and crisis management to support data informed decision making ...
Cleanup your CAP: towards a decentralized, immutable, and trusted alert network

Cleanup your CAP: towards a decentralized, immutable, and trusted alert network

Picking up from the discussion on Alerthub, back in 2016 in Bangkok, we developed a hook to update our repository ...
Building capacity on Common Alerting Protocol for Nepal

Building capacity on Common Alerting Protocol for Nepal

Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) Nepal is in the process of operationalizing the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) v 1.2 ...
Extending SAMBRO for HydroMet Warnings in Nepal

Extending SAMBRO for HydroMet Warnings in Nepal

Sahana Alerting and Messaging Broker (SAMBRO) has been accepted by Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) for disseminating warnings in ...

Sendai Framework DRR Targets



G) Access to Multi-hazard early warning systems
F) International cooperation
A) Mortality (deaths & missing persons)
B) Affected people (injured & dwelling)
C) Economic losses (agriculture)
D) Damage to critical infrastructure and services

Sustainable Development Goals

Project Info

2016 "CAP on a Map"

Improving Coastal Resilience through Multi-agency Situational Awareness in the Maldives, Myanmar and the Philippines. It involves deploying SAMBRO in the respective countries with a grant made possible through the  UNESCAP Trust Fund for Tsunami, Disaster and Climate Preparedness.

2013 "CAPITUS"

A module for building CAP capacity in member states.

2011 "Voice ICT4DM"

Use of Voice-enabled Interactive Response System for alerting and incident reporting in non-latin scripting cultures.

Technical Info

Specifications for the SAMBRO Sahana Template BluePrint

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