“ShaRe” for bridging Social Capital during Crises
During the immediate aftermath of a disaster, it’s the neighboring communities or unaffected people in the area that activate to assist the victims with the basic needs of food, water, […]
During the immediate aftermath of a disaster, it’s the neighboring communities or unaffected people in the area that activate to assist the victims with the basic needs of food, water, […]
Policy and Plans for Linguistically Challenged The European INTERACT project is part of a Migration Policy initiative. The project is studying how nations set emergency communication policies and plans in […]
We had scheduled to carry out the Pictograph comprehensibility and appropriateness tests with Sarvodaya Communities during the last week of May, 2017. Unfortunately, the low-literate and functionally-illiterate communities, in Colombo and […]
In general low-literate community members, in Sri Lanka, struggled with comprehending the Sri Lanka Meteorological Services text bulletins – that is what was observed. Simpler visual indicators are easier to […]
Last week, I was part of a Research Team that pilot tested a training course designed to build Technology Stewardship capacity in support of knowledge mobilization. The concept originates from […]
Recent floods in Sri Lanka have local media asking aloud why Sahana software, which was originally created in Sri Lanka after the 2004 Tsunami, isn’t being used by the government […]
We had a great Meetup this week with 15 people – 10 in Sri Lanka and 5 joining virtually. We started off together, and then split into a virtual group […]
IOTX Sri Lanka : SahanaCamp was a participatory workshop on the use of Disaster Management Information Systems with a focus on the Sahana Open Source Disaster Management Information System. It gave […]
I have been associated with Sahana Software Foundation since October, 2013, first as a volunteer contributor, then as a Sahana intern for four months and since April as a Google […]
The CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) Code-Fest was the hacker’s day of the week ( Everybody was plugged in, with coffee beside every laptop 😀 ) CAP is a XML based data format which […]