One of the priorities for the Sahana Software Foundation is to find out where the community wants to take Sahana over the next years and support the development of a strategic plan to guide us together on this journey. A strategic plan will help to communicate priority goals for volunteers to choose to work on or, if we decide, to help us develop funding proposals to get more resources. We have already run strategic planning exercises with the Board and the community in Sri Lanka which have been used to prepare the outline for a Sahana Strategic Plan.
Please feel free to review and contribute your input to the Sahana Strategic Plan document.
With consultation of a number of community members I’ve put together a process and schedule for finalizing the Strategic Plan over the next weeks:
- Finalize the Mission Statement & Vision (by 15 Aug)
- Identify & Prioritize Goals for the next year (by 29 Aug)
- Develop Strategic Plan and determine next steps (by 13 Sept)
Developing this plan will be an open process and everyone is welcome to participate in any of the follow ways:
- Contribute your input directly to the Sahana Strategic Plan document.
- You can edit, comment or suggest edits. All changes are tracked – so don’t hold back!
- Respond to this thread / send a new email on the Sahana Discuss Mailing List
- Contact me directly by email/skype/phone ( / michael.howden / +1 213 261-4250)
In additional, I’ll be hosting a number of optional Virtual Meetings over the next weeks focused on the steps. Notes will be taken in all of these meetings and no decisions will be made during them – so don’t worry if you can’t make them:
- Mission Statement & Vision – 11 Aug 2014 0900 UTC & 2100 UTC
- Goals – 25 Aug 2014 0900 UTC & 2100 UTC
- Strategic Plan – 8 Sept 2014 0900 UTC & 2100 UTC
Details to join these meetings can be found in the Sahana Strategic Plan document or on the Sahana Meeting Calendar
Please let me know if you have any questions otherwise I look forward to seeing our strategic plan emerge from everyone’s input!